Monthly Archives: August 2013

Creepy Crawlies

Sorry it’s been a while, we do have another post in the pipeline about our stay in Switzerland, but in the mean time we have this treat for you all..

Since we left the UK and found some sunny weather, we have been plagued with insects, and like most girls I spent the first month being terrified of the majority of things that lived/landed on or near me. But its seriously hard work being that scitish/frightened all the time, and I soon got too lazy to care. So now we’ve become like insect paparazzi and we snap most of the weird/wonderful and sometimes pretty things that land on us before it bites or flys away. So we have found some disgusting looking insects and between us (inc Jase and Claire) we have managed to photograph the majority. So check out the photos and we challenge anyone to try and identify them!

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